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  Радиолюбителям: Полезные схемы. Книги 1- 6 
  Справочник по полевым транзисторам 
  Basic Antennas: Understanding Practical Antennas and Design 
  Компьютер №11-12 (2011) 
  Маркировка радиодеталей (Сборник из 7 книг) 
  Антенны.Подборка книг 
  Радиомир №5 (май 2012) 
  RadCom №3, (March 2012) 
  Инструкция по антенне Hy-Gain TH3-MK4 
  ERD Commander 3 in 1 (Windows XP, Vista, Seven) 
  Электрошокеры. Полное руководство 
  Полезные программы. Просто как дважды два 
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  Установка GSM - сигнализации на даче (2011) 
  Yaesu FT-897 - Руководство пользователя 
  Зарубежные микросхемы, транзисторы, диоды 0..9 
  YAESU FT-857.Сервис-мануал 
  Справочник по внешним разъемам компьютера 
  Как извлечь драгоценные металлы из радиодеталей (М.Ковженкин/2008) 
  Журнал Радиомир №11 (ноябрь 2011) 


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Practical Wireless №12 2023

Practical Wireless magazine is the bestselling publication for amateur radio enthusiasts. Redicover old technology, and stay abreast of current technological innovations with Practical Wireless magazine’s informed articles, news and reviews on all aspects of amateur radio. Win and build yourself radio equipment, and get technical with the Technical for the Terrified section, so you can enjoy not only using the radio equipment, but understanding
Practical Wireless | Просмотров: 1876 | Загрузок: 5 | Дата: 13.11.2023 | Комментарии (0)

Practical Wireless №9 2023

Practical Wireless magazine is the bestselling publication for amateur radio enthusiasts. Redicover old technology, and stay abreast of current technological innovations with Practical Wireless magazine’s informed articles, news and reviews on all aspects of amateur radio. Win and build yourself radio equipment, and get technical with the Technical for the Terrified section, so you can enjoy not only using the radio equipment, but understanding
Practical Wireless | Просмотров: 1414 | Загрузок: 8 | Дата: 08.08.2023 | Комментарии (0)

Practical Wireless №8 2023

Practical Wireless magazine is the bestselling publication for amateur radio enthusiasts. Redicover old technology, and stay abreast of current technological innovations with Practical Wireless magazine’s informed articles, news and reviews on all aspects of amateur radio. Win and build yourself radio equipment, and get technical with the Technical for the Terrified section, so you can enjoy not only using the radio equipment, but understanding
Practical Wireless | Просмотров: 2492 | Загрузок: 9 | Дата: 10.07.2023 | Комментарии (0)

Practical Wireless №7 2023

Practical Wireless magazine is the bestselling publication for amateur radio enthusiasts. Redicover old technology, and stay abreast of current technological innovations with Practical Wireless magazine’s informed articles, news and reviews on all aspects of amateur radio. Win and build yourself radio equipment, and get technical with the Technical for the Terrified section, so you can enjoy not only using the radio equipment, but understanding
Practical Wireless | Просмотров: 1456 | Загрузок: 6 | Дата: 02.06.2023 | Комментарии (0)

Practical Wireless №6 2023

Practical Wireless magazine is the bestselling publication for amateur radio enthusiasts. Redicover old technology, and stay abreast of current technological innovations with Practical Wireless magazine’s informed articles, news and reviews on all aspects of amateur radio. Win and build yourself radio equipment, and get technical with the Technical for the Terrified section, so you can enjoy not only using the radio equipment, but understanding
Practical Wireless | Просмотров: 1172 | Загрузок: 10 | Дата: 11.05.2023 | Комментарии (0)

Practical Wireless №5 2023

Practical Wireless magazine is the bestselling publication for amateur radio enthusiasts. Redicover old technology, and stay abreast of current technological innovations with Practical Wireless magazine’s informed articles, news and reviews on all aspects of amateur radio. Win and build yourself radio equipment, and get technical with the Technical for the Terrified section, so you can enjoy not only using the radio equipment, but understanding
Practical Wireless | Просмотров: 863 | Загрузок: 9 | Дата: 09.04.2023 | Комментарии (0)

Practical Wireless №4 2023

Practical Wireless magazine is the bestselling publication for amateur radio enthusiasts. Redicover old technology, and stay abreast of current technological innovations with Practical Wireless magazine’s informed articles, news and reviews on all aspects of amateur radio. Win and build yourself radio equipment, and get technical with the Technical for the Terrified section, so you can enjoy not only using the radio equipment, but understanding
Practical Wireless | Просмотров: 840 | Загрузок: 8 | Дата: 10.03.2023 | Комментарии (0)

Practical Wireless February 2023

Practical Wireless magazine is the bestselling publication for amateur radio enthusiasts. Redicover old technology, and stay abreast of current technological innovations with Practical Wireless magazine’s informed articles, news and reviews on all aspects of amateur radio. Win and build yourself radio equipment, and get technical with the Technical for the Terrified section, so you can enjoy not only using the radio equipment, but understanding
Practical Wireless | Просмотров: 749 | Загрузок: 0 | Дата: 06.01.2023 | Комментарии (0)

Practical Wireless №1 2023

Practical Wireless magazine is the bestselling publication for amateur radio enthusiasts. Redicover old technology, and stay abreast of current technological innovations with Practical Wireless magazine’s informed articles, news and reviews on all aspects of amateur radio. Win and build yourself radio equipment, and get technical with the Technical for the Terrified section, so you can enjoy not only using the radio equipment, but understanding it.
Practical Wireless | Просмотров: 1009 | Загрузок: 9 | Дата: 02.12.2022 | Комментарии (0)

Practical Wireless №12 2022

Practical Wireless magazine is the bestselling publication for amateur radio enthusiasts. Redicover old technology, and stay abreast of current technological innovations with Practical Wireless magazine’s informed articles, news and reviews on all aspects of amateur radio. Win and build yourself radio equipment, and get technical with the Technical for the Terrified section, so you can enjoy not only using the radio equipment, but understanding it.
Practical Wireless | Просмотров: 719 | Загрузок: 0 | Дата: 06.11.2022 | Комментарии (0)

Practical Wireless №11 2022

Practical Wireless magazine is the bestselling publication for amateur radio enthusiasts. Redicover old technology, and stay abreast of current technological innovations with Practical Wireless magazine’s informed articles, news and reviews on all aspects of amateur radio. Win and build yourself radio equipment, and get technical with the Technical for the Terrified section, so you can enjoy not only using the radio equipment, but understanding it.
Practical Wireless | Просмотров: 637 | Загрузок: 0 | Дата: 06.10.2022 | Комментарии (0)

Practical Wireless №10 2022

Practical Wireless magazine is the bestselling publication for amateur radio enthusiasts. Redicover old technology, and stay abreast of current technological innovations with Practical Wireless magazine’s informed articles, news and reviews on all aspects of amateur radio. Win and build yourself radio equipment, and get technical with the Technical for the Terrified section, so you can enjoy not only using the radio equipment, but understanding it.
Practical Wireless | Просмотров: 693 | Загрузок: 0 | Дата: 02.09.2022 | Комментарии (0)

Practical Wireless №9 2022

Practical Wireless magazine is the bestselling publication for amateur radio enthusiasts. Redicover old technology, and stay abreast of current technological innovations with Practical Wireless magazine’s informed articles, news and reviews on all aspects of amateur radio. Win and build yourself radio equipment, and get technical with the Technical for the Terrified section, so you can enjoy not only using the radio equipment, but understanding it.
Practical Wireless | Просмотров: 599 | Загрузок: 0 | Дата: 07.08.2022 | Комментарии (0)

Practical Wireless № 8 2022

Practical Wireless magazine is the bestselling publication for amateur radio enthusiasts. Redicover old technology, and stay abreast of current technological innovations with Practical Wireless magazine’s informed articles, news and reviews on all aspects of amateur radio. Win and build yourself radio equipment, and get technical with the Technical for the Terrified section, so you can enjoy not only using the radio equipment, but understanding it.
Practical Wireless | Просмотров: 782 | Загрузок: 0 | Дата: 09.07.2022 | Комментарии (0)

Practical Wireless № 7 2022

Practical Wireless magazine is the bestselling publication for amateur radio enthusiasts. Redicover old technology, and stay abreast of current technological innovations with Practical Wireless magazine’s informed articles, news and reviews on all aspects of amateur radio. Win and build yourself radio equipment, and get technical with the Technical for the Terrified section, so you can enjoy not only using the radio equipment, but understanding it.
Practical Wireless | Просмотров: 838 | Загрузок: 0 | Дата: 03.06.2022 | Комментарии (0)

Practical Wireless № 5 2022

Practical Wireless magazine is the bestselling publication for amateur radio enthusiasts. Redicover old technology, and stay abreast of current technological innovations with Practical Wireless magazine’s informed articles, news and reviews on all aspects of amateur radio. Win and build yourself radio equipment, and get technical with the Technical for the Terrified section, so you can enjoy not only using the radio equipment, but understanding it.
Practical Wireless | Просмотров: 837 | Загрузок: 0 | Дата: 09.04.2022 | Комментарии (0)

Practical Wireless № 4 2022

Practical Wireless magazine is the bestselling publication for amateur radio enthusiasts. Redicover old technology, and stay abreast of current technological innovations with Practical Wireless magazine’s informed articles, news and reviews on all aspects of amateur radio. Win and build yourself radio equipment, and get technical with the Technical for the Terrified section, so you can enjoy not only using the radio equipment, but understanding it.
Practical Wireless | Просмотров: 1141 | Загрузок: 0 | Дата: 04.03.2022 | Комментарии (0)

Practical Wireless 3 2022

Practical Wireless magazine is the bestselling publication for amateur radio enthusiasts. Redicover old technology, and stay abreast of current technological innovations with Practical Wireless magazine’s informed articles, news and reviews on all aspects of amateur radio. Win and build yourself radio equipment, and get technical with the Technical for the Terrified section, so you can enjoy not only using the radio equipment, but understanding it.
Practical Wireless | Просмотров: 1117 | Загрузок: 0 | Дата: 04.02.2022 | Комментарии (0)

Practical Wireless № 2 2022

Practical Wireless magazine is the bestselling publication for amateur radio enthusiasts. Redicover old technology, and stay abreast of current technological innovations with Practical Wireless magazine’s informed articles, news and reviews on all aspects of amateur radio. Win and build yourself radio equipment, and get technical with the Technical for the Terrified section, so you can enjoy not only using the radio equipment, but understanding it.
Practical Wireless | Просмотров: 933 | Загрузок: 0 | Дата: 08.01.2022 | Комментарии (0)

Practical Wireless January 2022

Practical Wireless magazine is the bestselling publication for amateur radio enthusiasts. Redicover old technology, and stay abreast of current technological innovations with Practical Wireless magazine’s informed articles, news and reviews on all aspects of amateur radio. Win and build yourself radio equipment, and get technical with the Technical for the Terrified section, so you can enjoy not only using the radio equipment, but understanding it.
Practical Wireless | Просмотров: 675 | Загрузок: 0 | Дата: 04.12.2021 | Комментарии (0)

Журнал Practical Wireless №12 2021

Practical Wireless magazine is the bestselling publication for amateur radio enthusiasts. Redicover old technology, and stay abreast of current technological innovations with Practical Wireless magazine’s informed articles, news and reviews on all aspects of amateur radio. Win and build yourself radio equipment, and get technical with the Technical for the Terrified section, so you can enjoy not only using the radio equipment, but understanding it.
Practical Wireless | Просмотров: 690 | Загрузок: 0 | Дата: 06.11.2021 | Комментарии (0)

Журнал Practical Wireless №11 2021

Practical Wireless magazine is the bestselling publication for amateur radio enthusiasts. Redicover old technology, and stay abreast of current technological innovations with Practical Wireless magazine’s informed articles, news and reviews on all aspects of amateur radio. Win and build yourself radio equipment, and get technical with the Technical for the Terrified section, so you can enjoy not only using the radio equipment, but understanding it.
Practical Wireless | Просмотров: 587 | Загрузок: 0 | Дата: 12.10.2021 | Комментарии (0)

Practical Wireless №10 2021 download

Practical Wireless magazine is the bestselling publication for amateur radio enthusiasts. Redicover old technology, and stay abreast of current technological innovations with Practical Wireless magazine’s informed articles, news and reviews on all aspects of amateur radio. Win and build yourself radio equipment, and get technical with the Technical for the Terrified section, so you can enjoy not only using the radio equipment, but understanding it.
Practical Wireless | Просмотров: 909 | Загрузок: 0 | Дата: 23.09.2021 | Комментарии (0)

Practical Wireless №9 2021 magazain

Practical Wireless magazine is the bestselling publication for amateur radio enthusiasts. Redicover old technology, and stay abreast of current technological innovations with Practical Wireless magazine’s informed articles, news and reviews on all aspects of amateur radio. Win and build yourself radio equipment, and get technical with the Technical for the Terrified section, so you can enjoy not only using the radio equipment, but understanding it.
Practical Wireless | Просмотров: 1060 | Загрузок: 0 | Дата: 08.08.2021 | Комментарии (0)

Журнал Practical Wireless №7 2021

Practical Wireless magazine is the bestselling publication for amateur radio enthusiasts. Redicover old technology, and stay abreast of current technological innovations with Practical Wireless magazine’s informed articles, news and reviews on all aspects of amateur radio. Win and build yourself radio equipment, and get technical with the Technical for the Terrified section, so you can enjoy not only using the radio equipment, but understanding it.
Practical Wireless | Просмотров: 1167 | Загрузок: 0 | Дата: 15.07.2021 | Комментарии (0)

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