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  Программа SkyMonk 
  Журнал QST №01-12 2009 год (годовая подшивка) 
  Диагностика и ремонт аппаратуры радиосвязи и радиовещания 
  Радиохобби №3 ( июнь 2012 ) 
  Microsoft Office 2010. Самоучитель 
  Компьютер на Флешке. 2-е издание 
  ICOM IC-7000. Руководство пользователя 
  Galva v 1.85 
  Источники электропитания. Любительские схемы 
  RigExpert Plus руководство пользователя 
  Установка GSM - сигнализации на даче (2011) 
  Радиоежегодник №3 (2012) 
  Журнал «СхемоТехника» 2000-2003 год 
  Транзисторы в SMD-исполнении. Справочник. Том 1 
  KENWOOD TS-50.Инструкция по эксплуатации 
  Радиоежегодник №4 2012 (14) 
  Download Master 
  Маркировка радиодеталей (Сборник из 7 книг) 
  Журнал Радиомир КВ и УКВ №2 (февраль 2012) 
  Справочник по внешним разъемам компьютера 


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Радиолюбитель. КВ и УКВ [18]
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Журнал для радиолюбителей и профессионалов на английском языке
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RadCom [68]
Журнал радиолюбительского сообщества Великобритании
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"Swiat radio" ("Мир радио") - радиолюбительский журнал на польском языке
FunkAmateur [58]
FunkAmateur - радиолюбительский журнал на немецком языке для любителей электроники и радиотехники. Основная тематика: любительская радиосвязь.
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"Elektor Electronics" - популярный журнал по электронным компонентам и схемотехнике, аналог отечественных Радио, Радиолюбителя, Радиомира, и т.п.
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Radiorama - Итальянский радиолюбительский журнал
Radio User [18]
Sprat [1]
Радиолюбительский журнал на английском языке для радиолюбителей - коротковолновиков, работающих в эфире с малой мощностью.
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Сделай сам [4]
Другие [78]
On the Air [1]
Журнал для радиолюбителей увлекающихся КВ и УКВ радиосвязью на английском языке

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Radio User №12 2022

Since it’s debut in 2006, RadioUser has been the best selling radio listeners’ magazine in the UK. Short wave listening covers all forms of radio listening – broadcast, airband, scanning, DXTV, weather satellites, amateur bands, decode, s.s.b. utilities, numbers stations, milair and propagation to mention a few. All these topics are covered each month with regular columns compiled by the leading experts in their field.
Radio User | Просмотров: 1279 | Загрузок: 0 | Дата: 29.11.2022 | Комментарии (0)

Radio User №11 2022

Since it’s debut in 2006, RadioUser has been the best selling radio listeners’ magazine in the UK. Short wave listening covers all forms of radio listening – broadcast, airband, scanning, DXTV, weather satellites, amateur bands, decode, s.s.b. utilities, numbers stations, milair and propagation to mention a few. All these topics are covered each month with regular columns compiled by the leading experts in their field.
Radio User | Просмотров: 1497 | Загрузок: 0 | Дата: 21.10.2022 | Комментарии (0)

Radio User №10 2022

Since it’s debut in 2006, RadioUser has been the best selling radio listeners’ magazine in the UK. Short wave listening covers all forms of radio listening – broadcast, airband, scanning, DXTV, weather satellites, amateur bands, decode, s.s.b. utilities, numbers stations, milair and propagation to mention a few. All these topics are covered each month with regular columns compiled by the leading experts in their field.
Radio User | Просмотров: 2058 | Загрузок: 0 | Дата: 23.09.2022 | Комментарии (0)

Журнал Радио 9 2022

Since it’s debut in 2006, RadioUser has been the best selling radio listeners’ magazine in the UK. Short wave listening covers all forms of radio listening – broadcast, airband, scanning, DXTV, weather satellites, amateur bands, decode, s.s.b. utilities, numbers stations, milair and propagation to mention a few. All these topics are covered each month with regular columns compiled by the leading experts in their field.
Radio User | Просмотров: 1847 | Загрузок: 0 | Дата: 28.08.2022 | Комментарии (0)

Radio User №8 2022

Since it’s debut in 2006, RadioUser has been the best selling radio listeners’ magazine in the UK. Short wave listening covers all forms of radio listening – broadcast, airband, scanning, DXTV, weather satellites, amateur bands, decode, s.s.b. utilities, numbers stations, milair and propagation to mention a few. All these topics are covered each month with regular columns compiled by the leading experts in their field.
Radio User | Просмотров: 2101 | Загрузок: 0 | Дата: 30.07.2022 | Комментарии (0)

Radio User №7 2022

Since it’s debut in 2006, RadioUser has been the best selling radio listeners’ magazine in the UK. Short wave listening covers all forms of radio listening – broadcast, airband, scanning, DXTV, weather satellites, amateur bands, decode, s.s.b. utilities, numbers stations, milair and propagation to mention a few. All these topics are covered each month with regular columns compiled by the leading experts in their field.
Radio User | Просмотров: 1190 | Загрузок: 0 | Дата: 25.06.2022 | Комментарии (0)

Radio User №6 2022

Since it’s debut in 2006, RadioUser has been the best selling radio listeners’ magazine in the UK. Short wave listening covers all forms of radio listening – broadcast, airband, scanning, DXTV, weather satellites, amateur bands, decode, s.s.b. utilities, numbers stations, milair and propagation to mention a few. All these topics are covered each month with regular columns compiled by the leading experts in their field.
Radio User | Просмотров: 894 | Загрузок: 0 | Дата: 19.05.2022 | Комментарии (0)

Radio User № 5 2022

Since it’s debut in 2006, RadioUser has been the best selling radio listeners’ magazine in the UK. Short wave listening covers all forms of radio listening – broadcast, airband, scanning, DXTV, weather satellites, amateur bands, decode, s.s.b. utilities, numbers stations, milair and propagation to mention a few. All these topics are covered each month with regular columns compiled by the leading experts in their field.
Radio User | Просмотров: 1250 | Загрузок: 0 | Дата: 21.04.2022 | Комментарии (0)

Radio User № 4 2022

Since it’s debut in 2006, RadioUser has been the best selling radio listeners’ magazine in the UK. Short wave listening covers all forms of radio listening – broadcast, airband, scanning, DXTV, weather satellites, amateur bands, decode, s.s.b. utilities, numbers stations, milair and propagation to mention a few. All these topics are covered each month with regular columns compiled by the leading experts in their field.
Radio User | Просмотров: 1281 | Загрузок: 0 | Дата: 27.03.2022 | Комментарии (0)

Radio User March 2022

Since it’s debut in 2006, RadioUser has been the best selling radio listeners’ magazine in the UK. Short wave listening covers all forms of radio listening – broadcast, airband, scanning, DXTV, weather satellites, amateur bands, decode, s.s.b. utilities, numbers stations, milair and propagation to mention a few. All these topics are covered each month with regular columns compiled by the leading experts in their field.
Radio User | Просмотров: 1170 | Загрузок: 0 | Дата: 25.02.2022 | Комментарии (0)

Radio User № 2 2022

Since it’s debut in 2006, RadioUser has been the best selling radio listeners’ magazine in the UK. Short wave listening covers all forms of radio listening – broadcast, airband, scanning, DXTV, weather satellites, amateur bands, decode, s.s.b. utilities, numbers stations, milair and propagation to mention a few. All these topics are covered each month with regular columns compiled by the leading experts in their field.
Radio User | Просмотров: 1468 | Загрузок: 0 | Дата: 21.01.2022 | Комментарии (0)

Журнал Radio User № 1 2022

Since it’s debut in 2006, RadioUser has been the best selling radio listeners’ magazine in the UK. Short wave listening covers all forms of radio listening – broadcast, airband, scanning, DXTV, weather satellites, amateur bands, decode, s.s.b. utilities, numbers stations, milair and propagation to mention a few. All these topics are covered each month with regular columns compiled by the leading experts in their field.
Radio User | Просмотров: 2674 | Загрузок: 7 | Дата: 26.12.2021 | Комментарии (0)

Журнал Radio User № 12 2021

Since it’s debut in 2006, RadioUser has been the best selling radio listeners’ magazine in the UK. Short wave listening covers all forms of radio listening – broadcast, airband, scanning, DXTV, weather satellites, amateur bands, decode, s.s.b. utilities, numbers stations, milair and propagation to mention a few. All these topics are covered each month with regular columns compiled by the leading experts in their field.
Radio User | Просмотров: 975 | Загрузок: 0 | Дата: 19.11.2021 | Комментарии (0)

Radio User № 11 2021

Since it’s debut in 2006, RadioUser has been the best selling radio listeners’ magazine in the UK. Short wave listening covers all forms of radio listening – broadcast, airband, scanning, DXTV, weather satellites, amateur bands, decode, s.s.b. utilities, numbers stations, milair and propagation to mention a few. All these topics are covered each month with regular columns compiled by the leading experts in their field.
Radio User | Просмотров: 1212 | Загрузок: 0 | Дата: 25.10.2021 | Комментарии (0)

Magazain Radio User № 10 2021

Since it’s debut in 2006, RadioUser has been the best selling radio listeners’ magazine in the UK. Short wave listening covers all forms of radio listening – broadcast, airband, scanning, DXTV, weather satellites, amateur bands, decode, s.s.b. utilities, numbers stations, milair and propagation to mention a few. All these topics are covered each month with regular columns compiled by the leading experts in their field.
Radio User | Просмотров: 654 | Загрузок: 0 | Дата: 27.09.2021 | Комментарии (0)

Magazain Radio User № 9 2021

Since it’s debut in 2006, RadioUser has been the best selling radio listeners’ magazine in the UK. Short wave listening covers all forms of radio listening – broadcast, airband, scanning, DXTV, weather satellites, amateur bands, decode, s.s.b. utilities, numbers stations, milair and propagation to mention a few. All these topics are covered each month with regular columns compiled by the leading experts in their field.
Radio User | Просмотров: 1712 | Загрузок: 0 | Дата: 31.08.2021 | Комментарии (0)

Radio User № 8 2021

Since it’s debut in 2006, RadioUser has been the best selling radio listeners’ magazine in the UK. Short wave listening covers all forms of radio listening – broadcast, airband, scanning, DXTV, weather satellites, amateur bands, decode, s.s.b. utilities, numbers stations, milair and propagation to mention a few. All these topics are covered each month with regular columns compiled by the leading experts in their field.
Radio User | Просмотров: 1148 | Загрузок: 0 | Дата: 04.08.2021 | Комментарии (0)

Radio User No.7 July 2021

Since it’s debut in 2006, RadioUser has been the best selling radio listeners’ magazine in the UK. Short wave listening covers all forms of radio listening – broadcast, airband, scanning, DXTV, weather satellites, amateur bands, decode, s.s.b. utilities, numbers stations, milair and propagation to mention a few. All these topics are covered each month with regular columns compiled by the leading experts in their field.
Radio User | Просмотров: 1803 | Загрузок: 0 | Дата: 22.06.2021 | Комментарии (0)

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